Configuring BIG-IP LTM & GTM :
Local Traffic Manager and Global Traffic manager
This five day course gives network professionals a functional understanding of BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager (LTM) and GTM, introducing students to both commonly used and advanced LTM & GTM features. Incorporating lecture, extensive hands-on labs, and classroom discussion, the course helps students build the well-rounded skill set needed to manage BIG-IP LTM systems as part of a flexible and high performance application delivery network.
Topics covered in this course include:
- Set up the BIG-IP LTM System
- Load Balancing, including priority group activation and connection limits
- Persistence concepts, including universal persistence and match across services
- Monitors and managing multiple monitors
- Profiles, including compression, caching, and F5 acceleration technologies
- Highly Availability, including Sync-Failover and Sync-Only device groups, traffic groups, and N+1 concepts
- Forwarding and network virtual servers, path load balancing, and auto last hop
- Configuring local traffic policies
- Implementing SNATs
- Configuring iRules
Topics covered in GTM include:
- Installation and Licensing
- DNS Overview
- Accelerated DNS Resolutions
- Intelligent DNS Resolutions
- LDNS Probes and Metrics
- Load Balancing
- LDNS Probes and Metrics
- Load Balancing
- Monitors and Probes
- Configuration Files, Logs, and Notifications
By the end of this course, the student should be able to use both the graphical user interface and command line to configure and manage BIG-IP LTM & GTM systems in an application delivery network. In addition, students should be able to monitor the BIG-IP system to achieve operational efficiency, and establish and maintain high availability infrastructure for critical business applications.
Hardware/Software for LAB
- Firewall
- F5 LTM and GTM hardware/software module
- Layer 3 switch
- Test machine
- Dummy Applications including web servers, dns servers and rdp servers for testing.